Research Interests


  1. Sudipta Hazarika, Rajdeep Choudhury, Babak Montazer, Subhash Medhi, Manash Protim Goswami and Utpal Sarma.
    Detection of Citrus Tristeza Virus in Mandarin Orange Using a Custom-Developed Electronic Nose System. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 69(11):9010–9018, November 2020.
    URL, DOI

  2. C Sharma and U Sarma.
    Design and Optimization of a Microheater for the Application of Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) based Gas Sensor in VOC Detection. In 2020 International Conference on Computational Performance Evaluation (ComPE) (). July 2020, 694-698.
    PDF, DOI

  3. Nairit Barkataki, Sharmistha Mazumdar, Rajdeep Talukdar, Priyanka Chakraborty, Banty Tiru and Utpal Sarma.
    Prediction of Size of Buried Objects using Ground Penetrating Radar and Machine Learning Techniques. In 2020 International Conference on Computational Performance Evaluation (ComPE) (). July 2020, 781-785.
    PDF, DOI

  4. M P Goswami, S Hazarika, D Bora and U Sarma.
    WSN based embedded system for field parameter monitoring inside a low-cost polyhouse. International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control 10(3):354-367, 2020.
    PDF, DOI

  5. Rajdeep Choudhury, Sudipta Hazarika and Utpal Sarma.
    Implementation of a portable e-nose system to identify the water stresses of khasi mandarin orange plants. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 13(10):2562-2567, 2020.

  6. Rubi Baishya, Banty Tiru and Utpal Sarma.
    Emulating the Statistical Properties of Indoor Power Line Colored Background Noise for Development of a Power Line Noise Simulator. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 29(4):2050055, 2020.
    PDF, DOI

  7. Rubi Baishya, Banty Tiru and Utpal Sarma.
    An Alternate Method for Prediction and Analysis of Notch Characteristics in Indoor Power Lines Under Varied Channel Conditions. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 45(3):1531-1552, 2020.
    PDF, DOI

  8. Nipan Das, Kunjalata Kalita, PK Boruah and Utpal Sarma.
    Design Validation and Performance Investigation of Signal Conditioning Circuit for Capacitive Sensor. In 2019 IEEE 5th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT). 2019, 1–6.

  9. Kunjalata Kalita, Pradip Kr. Boruah and Utpal Sarma.
    Studies on change of strain developed in different wood samples due to change in relative humidity. Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research 22:100264, 2019.
    URL, DOI

  10. Chayanika Sharma, Babak Montazer and Utpal Sarma.
    Optimisation and Implementation of a Vibrational Induced Energy Based Sensor System Using PVDF Cantilever. In 2019 Second International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms (ICACCP). 2019, 1–5.
    PDF, DOI

  11. Chayanika Sharma, Babak Montazer and Utpal Sarma.
    Study and optimization of the effect of sensor position inside a gas sensing chamber for VOC detection. In Second International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronic and System Engineering, 2019 (ICAEESE2019). 2019, .
    PDF, DOI

  12. Rubi Baishya, Banty Tiru and Utpal Sarma.
    A study of asynchronous noise in indoor power line with applications to power line communication. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1330(1), 2019.

  13. Rubi Baishya, Banty Tiru and Utpal Sarma.
    An Alternate Method for Prediction and Analysis of Notch Characteristics in Indoor Power Lines Under Varied Channel Conditions. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, pages 1–22, 2019.
    PDF, DOI

  14. Nairit Barkataki, Chandramita Bordoloi, Banty Tiru and Utpal Sarma.
    Development and Characterisation of Patch and Bowtie Antennae for Performance Investigation of Ground Penetrating Radar. In Second International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronic and System Engineering, 2019 (ICAEESE2019). 2019, .

  15. Babak Montazer and Utpal Sarma.
    Design and Optimization of Quadrilateral Shaped PVDF Cantilever for Efficient Conversion of Energy from Ambient Vibration. IEEE Sensors Journal 18(10):3977–3988, 2018.
    PDF, DOI

  16. Manash Protim Goswami, Babak Montazer and Utpal Sarma.
    Design and Characterization of a Fringing Field Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (99):1–10, 2018.
    PDF, DOI

  17. Chitra Gautam, Sk Masiul Islam, Shashikant Sadistap and Utpal Sarma.
    Effect of Microwave Heat on the Nutritional Properties of Infected Red Kidney Beans. IEEE Access 6:57137–57143, 2018.
    PDF, DOI

  18. Babak Montazer and Utpal Sarma.
    Modeling and analysis the effect of PZT area on square shaped substrate for power enhancement in MEMS piezoelectric energy harvester. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 26(09):1750128, 2017.

  19. Nipan Das, Kunjalata Kalita, PK Boruah and Utpal Sarma.
    Prediction of moisture loss in withering process of tea manufacturing using artificial neural network. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 67(1):175–184, 2017.
    PDF, DOI

  20. Kalyanee Boruah, S Zamal, M Rahman, B Tiru, U Sarma and PK Boruah.
    Design of a small Cosmic Ray Air Shower array to study atmospheric effects. In XXI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics Symposium. 2016, 439–445.

  21. Rubi Baishya, Banty Tiru, Sujit Chatterjee, Utpal Sarma and Kaveri Gogoi.
    Time dependent indoor power line background noise: analysis, simulation and effect on communication system: study of indoor power line noise environment. In 2016 International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering (ICAEES). 2016, 621–625.

  22. Kunjalata Kalita, Nipan Das, PK Boruah and Utpal Sarma.
    Design and uncertainty evaluation of a strain measurement system. Mapan 31(1):17–24, 2016.

  23. Kunjalata Kalita, Nipan Das, Pradip Kumar Boruah and Utpal Sarma.
    Development of a strain measurement system for the study of effect of relative humidity on wood. Measurement 94:265–272, 2016.

  24. Banty Tiru, Rubi Baishya and Utpal Sarma.
    An analysis of indoor power line network as a communication medium using ABCD matrices effect of loads on the transfer function of power line. In Advances in Communication and Computing. Springer, 2015, pages 171–181.

  25. Debashis Saikia, PK Boruah and Utpal Sarma.
    A sensor network to monitor process parameters of fermentation and drying in black tea production. Mapan 30(3):211–219, 2015.

  26. Debashis Saikia, Diganta Kumar Sarma, PK Boruah and Utpal Sarma.
    An ANN Model to Estimate the Impact of Tea Process Parameters on Tea Quality. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 24(09):1550139, 2015.

  27. Debashis Saikia, Utpal Sarma and Pradip Kr Boruah.
    Development of an Online Heat Index Measurement System for Thermal Comfort Determination. Mapan 29(1):67–72, 2014.

  28. Utpal Sarma and P K Boruah.
    Design and characterisation of a temperature compensated relative humidity measurement system with on line data logging feature. Mapan 29(2):77–85, 2014.

  29. Debashis Saikia, PK Boruah and Utpal Sarma.
    Development and implementation of a sensor network to monitor fermentation process parameter in tea processing. International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems 7(3), 2014.

  30. Utpal Sarma and Pradip Kr Boruah.
    Design and Development of a Relative Humidity and Room Temperature Measurement System with On Line Data Logging Feature for Monitoring the Fermentation Room of Tea Factory. Sensors & Transducers 135(12):126, 2011.

  31. Utpal Sarma and Kr P Boruah.
    Design and development of a high precision thermocouple based smart industrial thermometer with on line linearisation and data logging feature. Measurement 43(10):1589–1594, 2010.